Results of the  Annual BME Bio-Tech Competition - BMEBioBrazil 2019 
 - the BME Bio-Tech Applications Contest BMEBioBrazil in cooperation with Association of California State University Professors, and IEEE LA EMB. 

The  BME Bio-Tech Contest - BMEBioBrazil 2019 will take  place June 1, 2019. This year's theme of the contest is to develop and present a concept using Electrical, Electronic, Biomedical, and/or Electro-Optics to assist a persons' disability - or to improve a persons' ability to manage tasks that usually require assistance. The contest focus is on students' individual ideas and in particular, the contest provides a forum for these future engineers to share those ideas that focus on technology assisted care.

Sponsored  by: Sponsors welcomed could be you or your company/organization


The finalists and their proposals, as selected by a panel of judges:


It could be you.....plan now


Congratulations to ...prospective finalists.

The Contest Panel members and/or judges (not more than one per participating institution) are: Dr. Percy Nohama (PUCPR), Dr. Jeferson Luíz Brum Marques (UFSC), Sérgio Shiguemi Furuie (USP), Adson Ferreira da Rocha (UNB), Dr. Christopher Druzgalski (ACSUP).

Students and sponsors interested in the  BME Bio-Tech Contest - BMEBioBrazil 2019 please email to Chair of the BME Bio-tech Applications Contest- BMEBioBrazil Dr. Guilherme Nunes Nogueira Neto - <guinnn[AT]>